Meet the Team

The team at Edinburgh City Mission is a multi-talented, God-serving group, stimulating and strengthening the church’s mission in Edinburgh.

Dashed Line (Pink Alt)
> Edinburgh City Mission is led by our CEO, Duncan Cuthill.

Duncan was previously Director of Ministries at London City Mission for 12 years.

Our Outreach Team are called Mission Strengtheners. Natalia, Miles, Charity, Lydia, Teresa, Màiri, Naomi, Kelly, Katie, Fiona, Caleb, Serenna, Paul & Hollie work in and around Edinburgh running our ministries with our partner volunteers, supporting families who are experiencing deprivation, exclusion and/or isolation.

Our Support Team is mainly based at our office. Catriona, Lauren, Duncan, Elise, Sonia, Alan & Joy work together to help everything function smoothly, raise financial support and spread the word about what we are doing, helping people catch our vision and pray for us.

In our city, for our city.

Duncan Cuthill – CEO

“I believe with all my heart that the city will be transformed by a prayerful, strong, vibrant and growing City Mission which is ‘stimulating and strengthening the church’s mission in Edinburgh.’”


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Alan Fionnlagh – Director of Operations

“Peace, hope, freedom and a transformed life are outcomes of knowing Jesus but, many people in Edinburgh have never had the opportunity to have an encounter with him. My role is to empower our team as they support people in our city experiencing deprivation, isolation or exclusion so they can thrive – practically, emotionally, socially and spiritually – and experience Jesus’ transformative power in their own lives.”


Natalia Pelttari – Mission Strengthener (Salaam Team Leader)

“I love Edinburgh City Mission’s calling to go where Jesus would go, to the despised and the forgotten places to bring God’s light of forgiveness, redemption and love.”


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Lydia Blakemore – Mission Strengthener (Salaam Team)

“I am excited by what God is doing in our city in terms of facilitating connection and building strong relationships between refugees and volunteers.”


Fiona Christie – Mission Strengthener (Salaam Team)

“I am delighted to be joining the Salaam team in their mission of supporting and stimulating the Church in Edinburgh to welcome and walk beside all those seeking refuge in our city.”


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Teresa Martin – Mission Strengthener (Salaam Team)

“It is a joy both to serve, and witness, Churches from all over Edinburgh coming together, reaching out to offer friendship, support and a loving welcome to those seeking refuge and asylum in our city. For those who have made perilous journeys from far off places… the opportunity to ‘love our neighbour’, in word and deed, is right on our doorstep!”


Miles Libke – Mission Strengthener (Food+ Team Leader)

“I am a Mission Strengthener because I desire to see people across our city experience the freedom that God has for them in all areas of their life. I have a huge heart for the local church, and seeing the church step into all that she is called to be – that’s why we’re here.”


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Caleb Bales – Mission Strengthener (Food+ Team)

“My family and I are happy to take up roots from America and be planted here in Scotland with Edinburgh City Mission where God’s love and mercy is spreading to the far corners of the city. Our desire is to see the Gospel cultivated in people’s lives and hearts and it’s an honour to join arms with those around us to see God’s redemptive work in this city.”


Charity Pritchard – Mission Strengthener (Food+ Team)

“My faith has always been intertwined with social action and the recognition that God cares for the whole person: mind, body and soul. Indeed to care for the whole person is to truly love them. Since starting working life I have passionately pursued work in Christian social care settings. Working as a Mission Strengthener is really just another outworking of that simple faith that God loves me and treasures all people as his children.”


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Hollie Burwell – Mission Strengthener (Food+ Team)

“The Good News of Jesus is for everyone, and I love being part of His story! My desire is to see lives transformed by this tangible, practical and profound Gospel. The servant-king brings peace to chaos and crisis, and my role as a Mission Strengthener is to join in with His work so that we can see His kingdom established in Edinburgh as it is in Heaven.”


Màiri MacPherson – Mission Strengthener (Nations Team)

“I am incredibly excited to be serving a ministry which actively seeks to reflect the diversity of God’s kingdom in a loving, intentional and peaceful way. May people from every tribe, tongue and nation in our city cry out that salvation belongs to our God!”


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Katie Bogie – Mission Strengthener (An Open Hand Team)

“Being involved in Edinburgh City Mission and running An Open Hand is so immensely rewarding. I am so thankful to be able to serve families in Edinburgh and be a part of creating happy days and memories for them around the time of their child’s birthday.”


Naomi Amour – Mission Strengthener (Two’s Company Team)

“I am so excited to be part of an organisation that wants to be in our city and for our city for Christ. God himself is relationship and has created us in His image to be in relationship, so I am looking forward to playing an active role in helping lonely, isolated people find the community and connection that they were made for.”


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Kelly Bales – Mission Strengthener (Wayfarer Arts)

“I am thankful to work with Edinburgh City Mission as we join in God’s redemptive and restorative work in our city, with his Church. I’m passionate about the arts as an avenue for community, faith and healing, as we participate in God’s story of grace and love.”


Catriona Thomas – Fundraising Manager

“It is a privilege to be part of Edinburgh City Mission’s exciting work, making a difference in people’s lives by showing the love of God in practical ways. I am so excited to be able to use God’s gifts to support this invaluable work across the city that seeks to follow the example of Jesus and serve others.”


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Lauren Holehouse – Fundraising Assistant

“I work for Edinburgh City Mission because I am motivated by my faith in Jesus Christ, and therefore have a desire to be addressing the needs of people here in Edinburgh who are experiencing extreme hardship in their lives.

As a part of the fundraising team, I source financial support, alongside building and maintaining relationships with our donors. I commit this work in prayer and trust that God will provide all we need and more.”


Elise Lawrie – Communications Manager

“I am so excited to work for Edinburgh City Mission, who seek to share the good news of Jesus and God’s overflowing love and mercy with people across our city. In his great grace, Jesus meets us where we are at and remains with us in our darkest times. My hope and prayer is for people across Edinburgh to come to trust in the salvation that Jesus freely offers.”


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Sonia Buzza – Finance and Operations Administrator

“It is such a joy to be part of an organisation which daily reflects God’s love and kindness through practical projects which benefit communities across Edinburgh. Working for Edinburgh City Mission has encouraged me by showing me what it means to ‘serve where you are’ – that whatever skillset you have, it can be used to glorify God wherever you are!”


Joy Heenan – Human Resources Manager

“I love to help people and organisations work to their full potential so it’s great to bring my professional expertise to aid in the amazing work of Edinburgh City Mission!”


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Paul Johnson – Summer Intern

“I’m thrilled to be part of the Edinburgh City Mission for my summer internship experience to develop my ministry in Chicago. I feel the presence of Christ in the work we are doing here, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve!”

Get Involved

Do you have a firm belief in Jesus’ mission, and have a desire to help those experiencing isolation, exclusion and deprivation? Would you like to get stuck into Edinburgh City Mission? Find out more on our Jobs page.

Apply Now

Applications for this position are now closed.

Apply Now

An Open Hand Referral Application
This form may be used by support workers and other professionals to apply for gifts for families in Edinburgh from An Open Hand (we cannot accept self-referrals).

Our aim is to help the families that need it most. We would be grateful if you could ensure that families fall into an area of need listed below before applying. We won’t be able to accept applications out with the below criteria.

Criteria for application:

  • Families (both parents/carers) who are facing severe hardship because of job loss or benefit delays/interruptions and have no other means (e.g. savings) of helping their child celebrate their birthday
  • Families who have no recourse to public funds
  • Families facing unexpected bills/costs/debt repayments around the time of their child’s birthday which prevent them from buying their child a present.

We are keen to help as many families as we can through this project, whilst still ensuring that each individual child feels treasured and receives a gift they will delight in. We will evaluate the funding for each gift on a case by case basis according to the financial needs of the family, the age of the child and the funding available. A general rule of thumb is that we anticipate most gifts along with the family bag to be in the region of up to £45.

Please ensure this application is submitted at least two weeks before the first child’s birthday to ensure there is sufficient time to deliver to the family.

Applicant's Details

Parent/Carer's Details


Children's Details

To add more children's details, please click the Add button. To remove details, please click the Remove button.

Details of Application

Please give details of why you are applying for this family and what impact a present from An Open Hand may make.

N.B. - The more information you can give, the greater the chance your application will be accepted

An Open Hand Disclaimer

All the gifts given to parents/carers from An Open Hand are new, and in new working order.

Once the gifts are given to the parent/carer, it is their responsibility to check the item is suitable and safe for their child, in good condition and used according to the manufacturer’s advice.

An Open Hand will keep all details of this application protected in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

An Open Hand is not a business or trader and has no ongoing responsibility for the gifts, once given, and takes no responsibility for loss, damage or injury sustained from the gifts or their use.

  • I confirm I have read the above disclaimer to this child’s parent/carer and they understand and agree to it.
  • I also confirm the parent/carer knows An Open Hand will be in contact directly with them, prior to the birthday, to discuss the gift and arrange a suitable time for delivery or collection.
  • I confirm that the parent/carer knows An Open Hand will be in contact directly with them, after the birthday, to receive feedback about the gift delivery, as well as our wider service.

Disclaimer and GDPR

GDPR Compliance
Once we receive your application, we aim to be in touch with you within 5 working days to let you know if your application is successful.

Many thanks for your application!

Edinburgh City Mission Gap Year

Gap Year

Section 1 - Personal Details

Are you involved in any activity that might limit your availability to work or your working hours?
Have you any convictions (other than spent convictions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974?)
Do you need a work permit to take up employment in the U.K.?

Section 2 - Education

Starting with the most recent, please list any education, qualifications and / or training.
In the format MM/YYYY.

Section 3 - Work History

Please list your recent work history. We want to know about your work experience, paid and unpaid. Please include your current/previous employment, voluntary work, community activities and time spent caring for dependents. Starting with your current employment, please state name and address of employer(s) and/or voluntary agencies and describe main tasks, responsibilities and achievements.
In the format MM/YYYY.

Section 4 - The Gap Year Role

Please answer the following questions.

Section 5 - References

Referee 1 (Professional e.g. teacher / tutor / pastor)
Referee 2 (Other leader e.g. Church group leader)
Additional Information
Can we approach your referees before an offer is made?
Is your church supportive of your application to Edinburgh City Mission (ie would they be willing to take an active interest in our work and pray for you in your role?)

Section 6 - Declaration

I declare that the information given in this form is complete and accurate. I understand these details will be held in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. I undertake to notify the company immediately of any changes to the above details. You agree that Edinburgh City Mission may use the details provided to contact you for purposes of the job application and nothing more.
Do you agree to the above Terms?

Monthly Prayer Newsletter (click to expand)

Volunteer Now

Volunteer Application

Section 1 - Personal Details

Please note: you must currently live in or near to Edinburgh if you wish to volunteer with Edinburgh City Mission.
Do you speak any languages other than English?

Section 2 - Role

In what part of the work of Edinburgh City Mission would you be interested in volunteering? (Pick up to 3)
Do you have a Full UK Driving Licence?
Have you had any accidents, regardless of fault in the last 5 years?
NB - This will help us check your details with the DVLA and reduce the number of questions we need to ask you later.
Please tick your available days.

Section 3 - Belief

For some of our volunteer roles we require the volunteer to have an active Christian faith. Please tick which of the following applies to you.
Do you currently attend a church?

Section 4 - References

We will take up references once we’ve agreed a suitable volunteering role. Please provide us with the details of someone who has known you in a professional capacity for more than a year. For example, someone you have volunteered for, an employer or a teacher.
Additional Information

Section 6 - Declaration

I declare that the information given in this form is complete and accurate. I understand that any false information or deliberate omissions will disqualify me from employment or may render me liable to summary dismissal. I understand these details will be held in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. I undertake to notify the company immediately of any changes to the above details. You agree that Edinburgh City Mission may use the details provided to contact you for purposes of the job application and nothing more.
Do you agree to the above Terms?

Monthly Prayer Newsletter (Optional - click here)